IFSC Code of Gramin Bank Of Aryavart
Looking for the Ifsc code of Gramin Bank of Aryavart? Here is the IFSC & MICR Codes of Gramin Bank Of Aryavart,Gramin Bank Of Aryavart Imps, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Also get the latest address, contact number of Gramin Bank Of Aryavart, Gramin Bank Of Aryavart Imps.
IFSC Code Of Gramin Bank Of Aryavart
MICR Code: | 831807002 |
Branch Code: | ARYAGB (Last Six Characters of IFSC Code) |
Branch: | Gramin Bank Of Aryavart Imps |
City: | Lucknow |
District: | Lucknow |
State: | Uttar Pradesh |
Address: | 1/54, Vikas Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow |
Phone No: | 915226455002 |
Gramin Bank Of Aryavart IFSC Codes
Let us understand what is IFSC. IFSC stands for “Indian Financial System Code”. It is an alphanumeric code that is assigned to each branch of a bank. IFSC is a unique identification number and is essential for any form of money transfer between banks. Gramin Bank Of Aryavart IFSC code consists of eleven digit code which comprises of first four letters as ‘xxxx’, the fifth digit is 0 followed by the last 6 digits which represent the specific Gramin Bank Of Aryavart branch code. Here’s an example, the IFSC code of the SBI branch at 11, Ganesh House, MG Road, Bangalore, is SBIN0007587. Here, 007587 is the branch code.
How to find IFSC Code?
Some easy and quick ways to find the IFSC codes of your bank is to search for it on the chequebook or the front page of your bank passbook. An IFSC code is essential for any mode of money transfers such as RTGS, NEFT & IMPS. It is impossible to conduct any money transfer without an IFSC code. Before you initiate a transfer, one must have the details of the receiver such; the name of the account holder, bank, branch and IFSC code of the respective bank branch.
- IFSC code can be found on cheque leaf and bank passbook of the respective bank.
- Banks and respective branch list of IFSC codes can be obtained from Reserve Bank of India’s website.
- The IFSC code of a particular bank can also be found on the banks’ official website.
The Information required for Transferring Funds Using Any Mode of Payment
- Amount of remittance
- Bank’s account number
- Bank name of the receiver
- Name of the receiver
- Account number of the receiver
- Receiver’s bank branch’s IFSC code
Format of IFSC Code
The 11 alphanumeric code of IFSC is structured in a pattern where the first four characters representing the name of the bank, while the last six characters represent the branch of the bank. The fifth character is generally 0 (zero) reserved for future utilisation. The format of IFSC is as below.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bank Code | 0 | Branch Code |
How to find MICR Code
- MICR code can be found on a cheque leaf and bank passbook.
- You can also find MICR code on the specific bank’s website.